
  • The Ballad of Little Jimmy

    Meet Little Jimmy. As you can probably tell from his picture, Jimmy is one of life’s malcontents. He’s an under achiever and dissatisfied with pretty much everything in his life...
  • News To Beat The January Blues!

    Hello lovely pedal people and a Happy New Year to you all! So, the clock ticked over to 2021 and lo and behold... Corona Virus is still with us; we...
  • Festive News!

    Hello Lovely Pedal People!

    With the Festive season well and truly upon us I felt it prudent to keep you all informed of how things are going to work at FLB over the course of December. So without further ado...

  • Everything In Its Right Place: How Funny Little Boxes Came To Be

    As the boxes flooded in and the piano filled up with them stacked on top of each other; family and financial circumstances changed and I had to let a few go. I expected to find this a pretty devastating experience, I hadn't managed to collect the entire set of food pedals and had to dispense with that obsession. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually got as big a buzz from selling them on as I did from collecting them in the first place.